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Being Too Nice

simp juice

Do not be a super nice guy when dealing with women, please avoid this. I have 7 great reasons why being too nice is a huge mistake.

Being Too Nice

How & why do you need to stop being such a nice guy

1. She will take you "uptop"

For those who do not understand the slang to be “Taken up top”, means to get everything you can out of a person. Stop being nice. Usually, when this happens, not in a good way. Being too nice is a quick way for someone to take advantage of you for “only trying to help out”. You need to understand that there is a time and there’s a place and everywhere you are is not the place to help out. 

To overcome this nice guy persona, you need to practice saying “no” more often than yes. If you say yes to a woman’s every command she will not know when she is doing too much.

puppet nice guy
friend zoned - nice guy

2. She will friend zone you

If you do not plan on being in the “friend zone” then don’t act extra nice. The friend zone is where you sit when you’re never going to get laid. Women will view you like a buddy, brother, or girlfriend because you more than likely don’t possess the masculinity that they are looking for within a mate. In order to avoid the friend zone, you must not go into it at all. 

Try not to put this thought in her head in the first place. Let’s not beat around the bush, instead tell her where you sit in the situation. Unless you like to finish last.

3. She will not feel safe around you

When you act extra nice you can come off like a wuss. Most women do not walk around saying “I wish I find me a chicken of a man” when looking for a partner. In this predicament, she will feel that if something bad were to happen… you’ll leave her hanging and not protect her. This is not the image to have when you’re trying to win over a woman. What you should do is show her “WHEN NEEDED” that you in fact “are the man” and you have it covered.

fear for nice guy
no respect - nice guy

4. She will lack respect for you

One of the worst things that could possibly happen is that she loses respect for you for being a nice guy. People are curious and like to experiment with things just to see how it works. The same goes for women. If she can see that you don’t command respect, you won’t get any in return. Nice guys get screwed too hard and finish last when they try to approach a woman in this fashion. Ground rules need to be laid early if you want her to respect you. If not keep trying to be nice and see how far it gets. Otherwise, stand up and speak up.

5. She will have to play your role

If you are trying to be in a relationship and you are being a nice guy/simp, more than likely all of the above is already running through her head.  More than likely you can add her doing your job as a man to the list of things that annoy her. Most women want to be a woman and do women-like things. She shouldn’t have to ask you to comfort her. She shouldn’t have to ask you to take her out on dates. Also, she shouldn’t have to ask you to do the things you did to make her fall for you. Don’t trick women with lies and be yourself from day one.

woman doings a mans job - nice guy
thirsty man

6. You will come off as needy

When you act too nice you seem like you are desperate for approval and women do not like approval-seeking men. Women are usually the ones asking me or women “how do I look?”, “do I look pretty”, or “what do you think of my dress?”.  while I’ve learned to stop caring what most people think and say about me you need to learn to put faith in yourself. Try to feel like you are awesome regardless of others’ opinions.

7. You will look like a "good guy"

Last but not least, if you are doing all the things above it’s only a matter before she screws you over. Eventually when you hear something along these lines “aww… you are such a good guy” or “you such a sweet guy”, whatever it is, normally it’s a load of bullshit. Half time or not she’ll be cheating with a guy or girl who has more balls and is more of a dick head than you are. What I’m not saying is be a bad guy and I’m not saying be a good guy. What I am saying is to be a man and do whatever is needed to get the job done… kinda like an “Anti Hero”. Nice guys do finish last.

nice guy


Now that I have given you 7 good reasons not to truly accept the title of being a good guy, you should know when you’re messing up. If you notice any of these signs such as the friend-zoning, lack of respect, or her taking advantage of you then speak up!
You are now informed, be on your way, my readers.


Check out my article how to get your ex’s back

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