Ugly Guys Need Love Too

ugly guys

Let's be real, you're an ugly guy. Luckily life isn’t all about looks so be happy about that. Here are 7 ways to pull women while being ugly

Ugly Guys Need Love Too

Even 50 pulled women so chill out...

Just because you’re an ugly guy doesn’t mean you don’t deserve love. There are a lot of ugly guys out here dating pretty women whether it’s because of money, fame, or power they have pretty women. However, if you are trying to find a girlfriend and you are ugly, you should learn these major tips to get you off the market.

hit the gym ugly guys

1. Hit the gym

Firstly, one of the things that attract women are men that are in shape so hit the gym. When I say in shape I’m not talking about “I eat carrots so I have great eyesight” I mean buff like how 50 cent used to be back in his late 20s. This dude was buff with big tattoos so he have the persona that he can protect the women that he was dating. 

Women love to feel safe in a strong mans arms, so go and get your weight up

2. Become funny

The next way to get into women’s hearts is to become funny. How does the old saying go, “laughter is the best medicine”. When it comes to getting women the best way to get her to want to go out with you over and over is to leave her with pleasant memory. If someone is making you laugh you’re bound to remember them to some extent.

While you are laughing your way into her heart you can also be making efforts to get her out her pants.

krusty the clown - ugly guys
classy man - ugly guys

3. Have some class

Another way to get women to want to go out with you is to have some class. While all women won’t want to go out with you, the ones that like the finer things in life and class will back you up for having it. What does it look like to have class? It looks like a man with real standards. As far as the visual side of things a classy man is well dressed and clean. It’s also got to do with being clean and having a decent attitude similar to James Bond.

For most a classy man is the type that you can take home to mother.

4. View yourself a okay, not ugly

The next way to get a woman on your team is to change the way you view yourself. Don’t look at yourself anymore as ugly look at yourself as an okay-looking guy. People are going to still say negative and mean things about you but you’ll have to ignore it. It is about having more confidence in yourself that way you’ll feel more internal security.

okay looking guy
giving some money

5. Have some money

Another thing that can get the ladies is having money. Personally, I feel like if a woman doesn’t want me for me then I don’t want her to want me for my money. But in your case, you may want to use this to your advantage. 

Some women will try to use you because you have money, that’s why you have to be careful. Instead of assuming they are loving you, for you know the difference when she’s a gold digger. If she’s a gold digger make sure to plan to use her the way she THINKS she using you. Put your money to work, FYI I’m not saying buy prostitutes.

This is only a fair exchange.

6. Date people like you

This one is the simplest solution if you want to shortcut it to date people who are on your level. If you view yourself as an okay guy then you should date an okay-looking girl. Outside of looks, you’ll need to look at the other things that make her a great woman.

When I say people like you I don’t mean just looks-wise, but looking at their personality, outlook, passions, and beliefs too. When all of this matches up you’ll be able to have a relationship full of longevity.

Check out my article: You Need A Type

a kissing couple
good personality

7. Work on your personality

Finally, the last thing you can do to become attractive as an ugly guy is to work on your personality. This is truly a big thing to master. If you were a cute guy but an asshole all the time, most women would prefer the ugly guy. Having a crappy attitude will run people out of your life and that’s not the purpose of bettering yourself. Knowing that this is something that is not a mystery you should make an effort to have a great personality. Even if you aren’t ugly per se do it for yourself regardless.

The best thing you can do is focus on yourself and have hope. Sure you’re lonely but you can’t wait around for him to return. You will need to redefine who you are, transform into a better version of yourself, be brave, risk it and learn from your mistakes.

For your own sake, please do not chase after him

Check out my latest article: How to get your ex back 

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