Don’t Trust Liars/Cheater

don't trust liars or cheaters

How do you feel about being lied to? Probably not good. If you don't being lied to then don't trust them liars or this can happen.

Don’t Trust Liars/Cheaters

Maybe things will be different this time...

Yeah okay, believe what you want. Maya Angelou said, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time”. When you’re going through the dating phase there are many things you’ll deal with. Some of the things will be fun and fulfilling, others will be disagreements but you’ll deal with things. However, rather it’s dating or married no one likes to be deceived or lied to. Therefore in order to spare yourself the agonizing heart, don’t trust liars or cheaters.

Reasons not to trust liars/cheaters

1. It might be hibitual

One reason not to cozy up with liars is that their telling lies may be habitual. Ever heard the term “Habitual Liar”? It means that person lies to you because they just lie about anything and can’t really help themselves. Imagine getting in a relationship with a liar. In the beginning, they will seem like an awesome person but as time goes on you will notice how constant the story changes. You’d even start questing who you are due to how many lies they spew out themselves. 

Oh, by the way, liars are often cheaters and have STUPID elaborate fabricated stories.

liar performing his usual ritual
liars lying times 2

2. They may do it again

Another reason you don’t trust liars is that they’ll more than often do it again. I know no one is perfect and we all may tell a “LITTLE WHITE LIE” but we aren’t like these mothafuckas. These people like to test the waters. They will see how far they can go before they stop the progress. Honestly, this is disrespectful and deceitful to people.

 If you’re in a relationship with a person that lies you may want to tread lightly or you’ll end up in the cycle of getting screwed over and over.

3. They'll lie to cover another lie

This isn’t the worst thing but it is very annoying to deal with a liar who keeps on lying. Surprisingly these mythical people DO exist. I remember a guy in college that would lie just to sound cool. It got to the point that I told someone about his capabilities. I said, “This dude always lies, Watch this I’m going to make up a lie and see if he makes a better one”.

Me: “I was messed up on cocaine a few days and I don’t think anyone was messed up like me”.

Him: “I did so much coke that I couldn’t come to school. I even do it 2x’s a week”.

I asked him about the same situation 10mins later and the story was different.

liars cover lies in layers
don't trust liars so you're still awake

4. You'll need to sleep with "one eye open"

Lies hurt as expected. If you are in a relationship with a liar you will have to sleep with one eye open. This means that you will have a hard time trusting them because they may try something dirty. I’ve dated a female that seemed a little off and I just followed my Intuition. It leads me to do weird things such as buying batteries for my home surveillance system. She also caused me to have a hard time sleeping when she came over. The girl asked me why aren’t I sleep and she was still awake. Besides the fact that she was a guest at my house, I didn’t trust her. 

Definitely affected my sleep.

5. You'll hesitate when you need them

If you were ever in a bind and you had to call on someone for help your last option usually is the liar. The reason behind this is that it’s a chance that they will make up some reason why helping you will cause them some form of delay. 

Truthfully, it would only be wise NOT to call a liar if you need help. The outcome can be unpredicitable.

ashamed family of you

6. Your family will give y'all "STINK EYE"

Another reason not to deal with or date a liar is that your family will give you the “Stink Eye”. You know, when they walk in the room, and then your family’s whole demeanor changes. Would you really want to be around this person knowing that all they do is like to your loved one (siblings, parents, cousin, etc) but they still stand by them, probably not?

In this situation you’d probably be better off leaving the room before you let out the truth or something worse.

7. You'll wonder when they're telling the truth

Finally,  the worst reason you’d want to avoid talking with a liar is that you’d wonder when they’re telling the truth. It is like the story “the boy who cried wolf”. You know the dude kept lying so no one believed him. When the wolves really came he yelled it but it was too late because he’s always lying.

It’s hard to give a liar the benefit of the doubt because they are deceptive. You’d save yourself the trouble by not being associated with them at all.

are they telling the truth

Regardless of how many times they claim to have changed you’ll still look like a doofus if you let them play you. Anyone that keeps lying to you and screwing you over only does it because you keep allowing it. I can see it once or twice but by the third time, some action has to be taken. “Walk away a winner” or keep “playing the fool”. Good luck.

Check out my article: Will she come back

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