Do he think I’m cute

do he think i'm cure

Are you wondering does he think I'm cute? if so, then let us find out how to attract him. Men aren't as difficult as some may seem.

Does he think I'm cute?

Can it be more obvious?

When a man thinks your cute, if you’re in tune with yourself, you’d know when he finds you to be pretty. It could be sexual attraction or not, either way should be able to detect when something is off with a person. Besides, attraction isn’t by choice. In this instance let’s look at the obvious signs of a pretty woman being checked out by a man. The question “Does he think I’m cute? ” is about to be solved.

The Signs that he's into you

1. He reschedules a date he can't make.

When you attract a man the right way, flaking is low. Sometimes men will flake on a woman. Most of the time it is because he has a low interest in you. When a man finds you’re cute, he makes things easy, and that includes going out on a date. On some rare occasions, men will have legitimate reasons to cancel a date but in the end, if you are someone he sees potential in he will go out of her way to make sure the date is still a possible thing in the future. 

If he has done this, there’s no need to wonder does he find me to be pretty. So be cool about it because theirs is still an attraction, find out her next day for availability, then set the date. If he cannot give you a date then give him some space and let him figure it out in the future but don’t bug him or you may ruin your chances completely.

attract a man because your pretty hot
men laughing at hot girl

2. His friends and family know about you.

Let’s face it women gossip, men gossip, and we all gossip to some degree. So you ask again does he like me? I’d like to think so. However, when a man is feeling a special way about a girl, the obvious thing to do is talk about him and it’s a sign of attraction. So stop asking does he think I’m cute? lol.

Regardless of who he is speaking to about you, it’s best to leave him with something to talk about. Some words are better than no words at all. Preferably, the words that he chooses to best describe you hopefully are in some form of good grace. Therefore, it is highly recommended to make a great impression the first time around and the next few times as well to keep him attracted. After all, he does think you’re pretty hot.

3. He makes time for you.

Another sign to verify the question does he think I’m cute should be him going out of his way to make time for you, think about it. No one enjoys doing things that they don’t like, so why would he want to fit you into her schedule. Even so, you need to be busy anyways and not wait around for her because men don’t find attraction with girls that are available 24/7.

 With that being said you’ll need to make sure you have time to fit him into your schedule as such.  Make sure to give him space and time. Honestly, if you can spare time be real with him and yourself because she sees you as attractive. Give it to him if you really like her. Attract him properly and she will potentially be yours for the taking.

cute woman holding hot man
man thinks woman is pretty cute and hot

4. He remembers things you tell him.

If he really likes you he will remember things that you tell him. If he does not like you when you talk your words would go in one ear and right out the other. This is the main reason I tell people to read. Nothing sucks more than talking or listening to a person with nothing to say. The best way to get him to talk is to ask him questions but you will need to tell her things in return. When you want to attract the right one, sometimes this requires pre-planning.

5. He compliments you and tries to make you feel good.

Women and men both can give compliments, but when he likes you “genuinely” he will go out of his way to make sure you heard it. In some cases, a guy that thinks you’re hot will make sure you catch on by throwing out compliments just to get a response from you. You also need to beware of the type of compliments and if it “SOUNDS” sincere because men are more logical creatures and dismiss our own feelings, you make confuse him just being friendly with wanting to get to know you. Know what attraction looks like.

pretty cute woman talking to guy
man likes showing pretty woman how to be cute

6. You catch him staring at you a few times

Say for example you are out with your friends and you turn around and you notice a hot guy looking at you for a split second and then the hot guy looks away so you wouldn’t notice him. Moments later you look in his direction again and you catch him looking at you again then looking away. Guess what pretty lady he’s looking at? You maybe.

This may be an indication that she may want you to come over because she likes you from afar. It could be that she may be shy or deep in her subconscious she can’t help but notice you. It wouldn’t hurt to “shoot your shot”.

7. He tries to let you know he’s single.

If this is not the most obvious sign that he likes you then you may need some help, you’re pretty hot sis lol. But seriously, there are not many times that a man will make this known so you need to know the signs of a guy trying to get your number, better yet… let him know you’re free if you dare. A lot of times hot guys are direct with their actions so you will need to know how to read in-between the lines to get a man who’s making this easy for you. 

showing him a hint

At this point, I think we have covered a few things for you to understand if she likes you or not. Such as, her taking the time out to reschedule a date, or telling her friends about you. Just remember to respond to the compliments she’s throwing your way because if a man wants you, making the typical man jesters, and sliding obvious hints… you need to be ready or you will miss out on an opportunity.


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