Having Relationship Goals

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Do you enjoy having a boring relationship? Maybe not. If you want to see things change then read this article about having relationship goals

Relationship Goals

Don't just read, learn and be happy

Have you ever wondered why most people’s relationships are on rocky terms by the 3rd year? How about the few that last 20+ years, ever wonder why? They have relationship goals.The key takeaways I want you to gain from this article go as follows:

1) Understanding of Relationship Goals
2) What works & why
3) What fails & why

relationship goals - hugging

Relationship Goal list

1. Love each other

In order to make a relationship last, we must first love each other. When you are with someone and you are in love it helps grow the bond between the two of you.

Don’t get with someone just to settle, be with them because you truly love them.

2. Have things in common

Another way to establish relationship goals is simply to have things in common. This is a big thing. As the relationship slows you will need to keep the spark alive in order to make the relationship last.

The safest bet for you to do is whatever you did in the beginning. It could be bowling or a walk in the park but do something. 

3. Be honest and open to talk

Another thing to add to your list of relationship goals is, to be honest, and willing to talk. The person you live with (assuming you live together) you’ll talk to the most. Therefore, it’s recommended to talk to them and be willing to hear them out as well.

If the two of you can’t talk because you are upset things will only get so far.

4. Working towards a future together

If you want to be together for the long haul you’ll need to be working towards the future together. The best way to do this is to have a common goal and slowing make progress towards it. 

Maybe it’s a house or a new car, long as you too are doing something together for the future, That’s what matters.

5. Try to make up after fights

Nobody’s perfect and sooner or later you will have arguments, but you’ll need to work past them. The best thing to do is try to explain your feelings to one another without attacking each other.

When you are making up with each other you’ll need to say “I’m SORRY”. Don’t hold a grudge and move on without being negative.

6. Respect one another

One of the biggest things to give each other is respect. This isn’t because you’re just dating, do it because you want to be with them. Besides, It looks great in public and most of us want it. As far as the relationship goes when someone respects you they’ll do their best to do the right thing for you.

Respect is something that’s earned not just handed out.

What will make it last

1. Putting the relationship first

In order to make a relationship work you will need to put it above most things and give it you’re all. After all, when you’re dating, and life the time you’re investing isn’t something you can’t get back.

2. Adapting to situations

Relationships aren’t ever going to be simple. There will always be trials and tribulations so be ready for the situation. This will occur so be prepared to be flexible.

3. Don't keep score

When it comes to finding things that work, keeping a score isn’t one of them. If you love them you will learn to forgive and move on. Holding grudges will only make things worse.

4. Offer solutions, stop criticizing

Instead of just pointing fingers and stating your reasons for the anger you need to give them a solution. Sometimes we just don’t get each other and the best thing to do is show your loved ones what you need from them.

5. Admit wrong doings

One of the hardest things to do is say “I was wrong” but it needs to be done. Doing this is part of the things that make you a real woman and a real man.

relationship goals success

Things that cause it to fail

1. Cheating on each other

Do I really need to explain this one? Cheating happens when something is “NOT” being taken care of at home. It can also stem from a lack of home training growing up. While this is not all the reasons they are the most common ones If you want to keep dealing with this then keep dating a cheater.

2. Negative mindset

When dating, having a negative mindset can definitely hamper a growing or current relationship’s survivability. When you often see things in a negative light you will have a hard time looking forward to a good time ahead.

3. Lack of sex

Not having sex can ruin relationship goals in progress. Unless your thang isn’t working, underage, or like 85 should be satisfying your partner’s desires. If not they could cheat or cause all sorts of drama.

4. Deception

Another thing that is counter-intuitive to relationship goals is being deceptive. Lying to the one you’re dating for the sake of your own gain is dirty, don’t do it.

5. Quitting on each other

Last but not least, if you want to maintain relationship goals you can’t quit on each other. You can walk away when things don’t seem right but ultimately you need to have each other’s back. Don’t leave them hanging.

relationship goals failures

Don’t believe the hype and the non-sense “#hashtags” you see on Instagram saying “relationship goals”. Half of them are of people who are rich, doing expensive things when you can get the same results being simple. Pictures are worth 1000 words, however, pictures are retaken to give a false narrative.

Everyone’s relationship goals are different but that does not mean we can’t learn and take from others.

Check out my other post: You Need A Type

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