He Never Apologize

can't say sorry no problems

Even if he's wrong he never apologizes. He'll find ways to blame you. This article will teach you why some men find it hard to apologize.

He Never Apologizes

I'd choose death before saying "I'm sorry"

A lot of men are in relationships that seem like when they argue it goes on forever, causing a huge problem. However, this can all go away if you want it to. Never again you’ll have to hear “he never apologizes” if you can figure out what’s holding you back. I listed 7 common but important reasons why men find it hard to apologize.

Why some can't apologize

1. Never praticed it

First of all, one of the reasons men have difficult times apologizing is that we were never trained to do so. I’m not saying that all men don’t know how to say it in a meaningful way, but most of us don’t know-how.

One way you could learn to apologize is to take your time think about what you did and just do it. You don’t have to keep repeating yourself either, one time is good enough. Therefore you should have no problem.

practice apologize no problems
naïve  apologize no problems

2. Naïve outlook on looking weak

Another reason why men have a hard time apologizing is the fact that they do not want to look weak. This is a naïve way of thinking because it’s far from it. There’s nothing wrong with saying “I’m sorry” when it’s needed. 

If any man is laughing because you decided to say sorry when you did wrong then that shows how weak-minded they truly are, not you. No problem over here.

3. Too prideful

The next reason some men find it hard to apologize is that they are too prideful. Pride will do a lot of bad things to you if you can’t set it aside. Being a prideful person can’t get you killed if you let it overcome you in the wrong situation.

However, pride can be overcome by being humble and honest with yourself.


prideful man apologize
love yelling apologize

4. Enjoys arguing

Another reason why some men don’t apologize is that they enjoy arguing. Honestly, unless this guy is a lawyer or joking with you this is a very toxic trait to have. Why would someone get enjoyment by causing someone else stresses? I can’t answer that however, you do not have to engage them.

If you are talking to someone who enjoys arguing you may want to stop wasting time with them.

5. Unknown latent issues growing up

One of the biggest issues that cause men to refuse to apologize is unknown latent issues growing up. Most of the time it comes from “daddy issues” and it causes major problems. Oftentimes, especially in the “Black Community” men, aren’t teaching the boys all about “what’s needed to be a man”. This burden is dumped on the woman to figure out while men pop in and out of our lives. In the case your father was around he’s more than likely only showed “tough love” and not “tinder love”.

An example of “tough love”:
boy falls, scratches knee, daddy says stop being a pussy and get up. 

An example of “tinder love”:
boy falls, scratches knee, daddy says you’ll be okay, you want a hug? 

Personally, I feel both sides are needed not just one but we all raise our kids differently.

daddy issues apologize
bad relationship apologize

Another reason some guys don’t apologize is that they’re in a bad relationship. At some point, you just won’t care nor will you try to say I’m sorry. However, if you love this person, you can give it a shot and try to show them away.

If showing them how they should act and how you should fail. I’d be preparing an exit strategy.

7. He isn't wrong often

Finally, If a guy feels he isn’t wrong there’s a good chance he will not apologize. Some men will flat-out give you no explanation because they don’t want to explain why they’re right. Myself, I’m very analytical so I make sure to break things down and attempt to explain.

If the other person understands when you are making things simplistic then just stop taking.

Check out my article: Being too prideful

smart man


Nothing is wrong with saying “I’m sorry”. In fact, it takes a real man and woman to admit defeat. However, if are saying this and not meaning it that means nothing as well.

Get into the habit of saying sorry.

Check out my article: does she find me attractive?

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