The “Yes Man” Mentality

yes man question stooge

Why it's cool to get along with others, the "yes man" mentality isn't cool at all. I'll explain it and how to avoid it being a stooge.

The “Yes Man” Mentality

Kissing of the butts

Avoid the “Yes Man” mentality. Being a “Yes Man” means to be a people pleaser, which is definitely not a good look. When you are out on a date what not to do is say “me too” to nearly everything. Hopefully, you’re not a stooge. Something is not going to sit right with the other people if you act like this. Therefore, Read below and learn how to stop always agreeing with others.

ass kissing being a stooge

Why being a "yes man" looks bad

1. It makes you look like a liar

First of all, the follower mentality will have you looking like a liar after a while. How can you believe someone that keeps saying “I agree” to what you just say all the time? It sounds like you are doing nothing but kissing ass but most of us like genuine people. How can you possibly seem like an individual with your own core values if you keep agreeing with everything? Sooner or later you will be exposed.

If you disagree with something someone’s doing and it bothers you, call them. Don’t let it slide because if you do, they’ll think it’s alright to do it again.

liars are stooge
sneaky stooge

2. You'll seem like you have ill intentions

When you act like a yes man, lackey, stooge, or whatever you call it, you’ll come off as “deceptive” and very “eerie”. This means you’ll look like a creep and probably have bad intentions. People are prone to stay away from bad things and people alike when they know of them. Are you a creepy stalker? I hope not.

If you do not want to seem like you may be a bad person then make sure your intentions are somewhat clear. Don’t go on a date talking about your looking for friends when you want sex. Please don’t come out right and ask for it either. Just focus on being yourself and not a follower.

3. You'll get treated like a doormat

Are you a man/woman or would you like to be walked upon like a doormat? People who agree with nearly everything asked of them “gets-no-love”. Why should anyone respect you if you don’t? Those who get walked on the most are the ones who say the least.

If you do not want to be taken lightly you need to say what you mean and mean what you say. Stop being a stooge and have a mind of your own. Get used to being called an ass or whatever but I bet they’ll know your boundaries and won’t “try you”.

door mat
yes man - mechanic

4. They will pile problems on you to fix

After a while of talking most people can draw their own conclusion about others. Don’t let them see you only as a follower. If someone sees you as a type that will not say no, prepared to get used. You’re going to be the gay friend that hears all the problems but never gets ass. You will get friend-zoned faster than you can spell it out.

If you are trying to get to second base with someone you can listen to them, but don’t allow them to put their life issues on you.

5. Get laid the least, Played the most

Those that agree with nearly anything asked of them will also get laid less and played more. Yes-men are the type that women refer to as a “Good Guy“. Good Guys get cheated on the most because they have a “Good Guys heart”. They forgive and forgive but get nothing in return. 

Try to say no more often and don’t allow your date or someone you’ve just met to play you for a fool. Heck, don’t let anyone play you.

yes man - tricked
yes man - loser

6. You will look like a lame

Ass kissers or yes men are very annoying. They suck so much that you would look like a loser and no one will not genuinely be your friend. People who kiss butt and follow all day will do anything just for a little praise like a puppy. Often times they will display traits of a “Beta Male”.

If you’d like not to look like a lame or a cornball you’ll need to be interesting and only go out with your type. When you go out with people who misunderstand you things get awkward fast.

7. Unrealistic expectations of you

It’s a bird, it’s a plane, never mind… it’s just Mr. Yes-Man A.K.A  lackey or stooge. When you are out here agreeing with everything without question. Your date will wonder “does he do this all the time? Are you kidding?”. When they see this they’ll have 3 options. They are… use you, abuse you, or let you go. Most Yes me will be a great hero so others will ask you to do unrealistic things. When you fail to live to the impossible they’ll make you feel bad because you SAID you’d do it but you couldn’t.

Do not tell people you’ll do things that you know you can’t achieve. Just be honest and say ” this isn’t for me” and walk away from it.

yes man super man

The “Yes Man” mentality is something to avoid getting into. If you are on a date or in a workplace you need to lay your own self-worth rules that you live by from day one. Don’t follow like the rest, be different. Try not to do that and people will take advantage of you. You’ll blame them for your putting a target on your back when all along it was you.

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