You Need A Type

colored lizard

Out of desperation when it comes to dating if asked do you have a type of person you'd normally date and you say "NO", you may need help!

You Need a Type

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When you search the net most of the things you find are recycled materials on why to date outside your type. This article is the exact opposite. I know for a fact that dating someone that is your type can work out far better than dating someone that isn’t. Therefore, you need a type of dating preference.

7 reasons why to have a "type"

Below here I’ve compiled a list of reasons to date your type when looking for love.

1. You'd know what you are looking for

Dating your type does not mean going look for someone that looks like a copy of your ex.  What it entails is that you find someone who meets all your things on the list. This list I’m referring to is a sheet of all the things you want in a person.

By having a sheet compiled with your own preference, you could spot your type in a conversation or in public much quicker. I’ve tagged a link that talks about finding your love within 90 days or so, check it out.


spy glass love
red flag love

2. You can spot red flags faster

If you already have a type you, can also weed out troubles and irregularities sooner. Usually, it takes months before you notice these things. The main reason that we forgive is that the honeymoon stage of dating is so much fun. 

Don’t let lust or false love interrupt something that is a no go for you. If you don’t like smokers, don’t brush it off. Maybe you do not like short men or tall women. Whatever the case you need to have a plan before you commit to anybody long-term.


3. Easier to date

A great reason to date your type is that their easier to date if you have done your research. Dating someone who is the exact opposite of what you like sounds extremely foolish. 

When you date someone that fits your preference you can already kind of guess where things are headed. Maybe it did not work out with your ex, and it was things left unsettled. Let them go but do all the right things with this one because you have a clean slate and love may work out this time.

easy dating love
recycling love

4. Can reuse dating ideas

When you are out on a date with someone of your type, you can reuse dating ideas for most of them. Imagine you live in a small town and trying to find different things to do with different men/women. That will get old pretty fast and you’ll be drained very quickly. But if you already have a list of places where your type of when would like to go that issue is solved rather quickly.

Work smarter not harder.

5. You'd know where to find them

If your scope of men/women is already predefined you’d already know where to look for them as well. At this point, it’s like going fishing. All you need to do is bring some good bait and then reel them in. Do they like to party? We’ll go to a nightclub. Do they drink a lot? Go to the bar. Would you find them jogging outside? go for a run. If you have your type defined just go where you’d expect to see them.

When you mess with people you are not used to you may come off as awkward. Your best bet is to just stick to what you know and upgrade from there.

recycle people
common interest

6. Hopefully, common interest

Another reason to have a type is that you’d share common interests… I’d hope. If you missed my article  “find your lover in 90 days” you may be kind of lost right now. Don’t worry I’ll break it down and make it brief. Long story shot date someone who you can have an easy time with.

After the fun stuff from the beginning dies down, reality starts to set in. At that point, you look at yourself and see if this is worth it or not. If you have many common interests living together shouldn’t be too hard. But if you are polar opposites this will not go any longer than 2-3 years if you’re lucky and like suffering.

If you too are like-minded and have a lot in common just go out and do stuff you’d both like. Go back and do all the things you did in the first few months of dating and it will feel like second nature.

7. Keeping it real with yourself

One of the biggest reasons to date your type is to keep it real with yourself. You can lie to everyone else but at the end of the night… every night that you exist, you have to be you. Going on dates just to get out of the house is cool but if you get into a relationship with someone that you’d never love… you’ll regret the time wasted in the end. So don’t even bother bullshitting yourself.

If you’re not into skinny dudes, then don’t go on dates with them. Don’t think hey this is brand new so I’ll just wing it and see if it works out. Come on man, have some sort of a plan, don’t play with your life. 

keep it 100

Let’s keep this brief, Just because many people SAY opposites attract does not mean you have to date or be with someone who does not compliment you as a person.

It is easier to get along with someone that shares the same core beliefs and personal values as you than with someone that does not. Keep this in mind…

Tyshawn Out, Peace.

Check out another article: Having relationship goals

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