Get The Girlfriend

get the girlfriend hug

Are you tired of being single? I plan on teaching you what it takes to get the girl you desire, better yet the woman that matches you.

Get the girl

There's someone for everyone

Just because you are single now does not mean you will be single forever. Even if your handicap or butt is ugly there is someone for you. In this article, I plan on teaching you what it takes to get the girl you desire, better yet the woman that matches you. Learn how to get your girl below.

How to get a great girlfriend

1. Make a list of what you want in her

The first thing I’ll need you to do is make a list that describes the person.

You’ll need:

  • a sheet of paper

On that paper draw a line down the center of it. On the left put things, I like, and on the right things, I dislike.

Next, you’ll need to write under things I like 20 things you like about this person as if you’ve already found them. However, You’ll need to narrow it down to just 10 things you like.

After that, do the same thing for the right side, 20 things you don’t like about this person. Then, narrow it down to just 10 things. 

Some of the things that were on my top list were a “good listener”, “honest person”, and “likes how smart I am”. My dislikes were “unable to say I’m sorry”, “Lying”, and “being a smoker”.

By making this list you’ll be able to see this person with much ease. The reason why this works is similar to the “used car” analogy. The analogy simply is that “we only notice what we focus on”. For example, if you buy a car, at first, you didn’t notice it but now that you have that car you see how common it is.  The same thing applies when you are looking for a type of girlfriend. 

so make the list, look at it daily, read it out loud and you should see someone that fits your desire within the first 90days of making it.

check list get the girl
get the girlfriend problems

2. Recognize your issues and work on them

The next step in finding your next girl is recognizing your own issues. No one is perfect, and that’s a fact. Therefore you need to fix yourself before you make demands of someone else.

For example, I’ve met a woman who told me, “I need a man with 2 cars and who owns a house”.  When I looked at her I noticed she was waiting for a bus to come, so I knew she wasn’t driving at the moment. I also asked her do you own a house? her response was “no”.

Long story short “you can’t be a peasant asking for a king”. If you cannot conjure the same then don’t expect it from another. And if you do, you’ll be looking and sounding very unrealistic.

3. Become more interesting

Another thing to do in order to find and keep the girlfriend you deserve is to become more interesting. What if you meet this person and you go out on a date but you have nothing to talk about? It will get pretty boring very fast. The best way to counter this issue is to keep up with interesting things happening around the world and city.

Myself, I get a lot of the topics I talk about straight from You can find a lot of propaganda to speak about there.


get the girl interesting
fun get the girl

4. Do more things that you find fun

The next thing you want is to do are things that you consider fun. When you do these activities you need to be enjoying yourself. However, are these things normal? Would you like to share the experience with someone else or your date in the future? Will people think you are weird for doing this? What about your girlfriend?

When you are doing fun things normally it’s only natural to find people who like the same stuff as you in that environment. And those people there may be your type too, but check your list.

There are things to keep in mind. Myself, a few things I like is bike riding, playing the Nintendo switch, miniature golf, etc.

5. Find a purpose/mission in life

If you are looking for a girlfriend, one thing you want to have is a purpose or goal in life. People with a mission or a goal are considered cool because they have something going on outside of sitting around. 

When you have a purpose you are more respected. Even if you are unemployed at least you’re busy doing something.

This purpose needs to say with you and not fade away, even if you fall in love with someone. 

mission in life get the girl
all equal

6. Treat all men and women equal

Another thing you’ll need to do is treat folks equally. That means to treat the “cute ones” like you treat the “ugly ones”. The reason behind doing this is so that you won’t become infatuated with looks.

Far more times than not, WOMEN manipulate men because they fall for this. Real men and strong men know better. If you’re not trying to get used up then use the method mentioned above, this goes for women too.

7. Learn to say NO!

My final recommendation you should follow would be to learn how to say no. I know this sounds like a no-brainer but this can be hard when you are trying to get to know someone. At the beginning of the dating phase, we often let things slide but that can be a crucial mistake. 

When you don’t like something you’d need to say something. If you don’t, how will they know where the line is?

say no


As you can see there is no secret to getting a girlfriend. Instead, what you have to do is change your traits, habits, and overall outlook on yourself to attract your type of woman/man. 

Don’t take any shortcuts to look for happiness. This is a process that takes a self makeover and time, not one that happens overnight. Your girl will come when it is your time so stay calm and have fun.

Check out my other articles: Never lead your girlfriend on

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