He’s Always Busy

always busy

He's always busy, are you really surprised? If you are wondering why... I can give you 7 reasons why this guy is so hard to get a hold of.

He's always busy

Soo much work on his plate... so he says

Maybe you just met this guy or you’ve been talking for a while now and all of a sudden he’s always busy. Doesn’t this seem awkward? I mean all seemed cool at first but now the dude has become a cold fish. Why there may be a ton of reasons why he’s not getting back to you, I’ll speak about the usuals and how to go about with it.

Reasons why he's always busy

1. Losing interest

One reason a guy may turn into a ghost is that he is losing interest. Most guys love their women and enjoy having them in their presence. Yeah, there’s when you can piss us off and we need a break but were never always busy.

In the case that a guy is seeming like he is losing interest in you, try to do things that you did in the beginning. This type of action can help him remember why he fell for you in the first place.

yawing - he's always busy working
your not his type busy working

2. You are not really "his type" anymore

If all you guys do is argue or he doesn’t compliment you, maybe you aren’t “his type” anymore. Why would a guy want to be around someone he does not find to be the type of woman he likes. Perhaps you could be working towards getting in shape or something? However, or whatever the case, preference can change over time but more often or not we like-what-we-like.

You could always go through his phone but that would create trust issues. Instead, what you should do is work on yourself. Become a better version of yourself and only change things about yourself that you’d like.

3. He's busy seeing someone else

Imagine that, he’s seeing someone else, so-called working messed upright. Not saying that this is the case but often times people cheat because something is lacking at home. Are you putting out? Did you let yourself go? Do you cause constant stress? If you said yes to all of these things I’d cheat for him… not to be mean, but after all, he’s always busy.

In the event of this being the cause, you have two options. One is to break up with him. The other option is to try to find the source of pain and fix it. If you can’t repair it then “throw the whole man in the trash”.

seeing someone else working and being busy
your boring so he is busy

4. You're boring so he'd rather work

If you are dating a guy and you are boring, he’d look for other type of work to keep him busy. I always tell people in the beginning “associate yourself with fun”. When people think of you as a fun person, they’ll call you up to hang out.

If all you guys do is go to the “museum”, you’d be mega boring in the normal eyes. The best bet to get him to go out is for you to be opened minded and adventurous. 

5. Too needy so now he working

If there is ever a thing a guy wouldn’t want it would be a woman that’s too needy. No one wants to take care of a woman that needs you to do everything for her. I’d be always busy just to get rid of a needy woman as a guy personally. If all you do is ask for favors when you call, why should he pick up? You’d be nothing more than luggage holding him back at this point.

No one wants to be in a relationship with someone and feel like “The Butler”. If you can’t take care of yourself own then you shouldn’t be dating at this time in your life

needy women make man want to work
give him space

6. You don't give him space

We all need to breathe sometime but if you don’t give him space he may create extra space. Make sure to give him the right amount of space. If he’s introverted maybe he needs just 2 or 3 texts a day and a brief phone call. If he’s extroverted he may need to go to “Magic City” with a few friends lol. 

Either way, give him some space and time to miss you. No one misses what they have all the time. Get out and live a little.

7. Maybe he's the problem

Last but not least, maybe he’s the problem. A lot of men especially those raised in my era have daddy issues. Daddy wasn’t around. He was just doing other women. He popped up here and there. Love and praise were non-existent. The list goes on.

At this point, it’s beyond you. I mean you can talk to him but he will have to ultimately see this for himself.

he's the problem

Whatever the reason for him going ghost on you, you need to keep going. Waiting around for someone too long will drive you into depression, especially if you like them. 

Stop calling, quit trying to get a hold of him. He did wrong by you. If he is a good man he’ll own up and make up for it. If not, you’d know.

Check out other articles: You need a type

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