Never lead on your girlfriend

talking couple lead her on

Men can do some dirty things such as leading a girl on. While that may be cool with a random chick, you should never lead on your girlfriend

None cares about random chicks...

As a guy, I can say that I could care less about a random girl if I were single. I am sure women feel the same about men. It’s understandable not to care about someone initially because all is fresh. As time goes on, if she becomes your girlfriend you must remember… never lead on your girlfriend.

Reasons not to waste her time

1. She sees a future with you

Firstly, if you have been in a relationship for a while with a guy/girl and they’re talking futuristic, they see a future with you. If you don’t see a future with them you may want to cut them loose.

People do crazy shit when they fill fucked over so be mindful of that. Especially if they invested time, they may want it all back in the worst way.

Imagine she or he was a side chick and they found out later on. They may show up and start trying to ruin a somewhat happy home.

sees a future lead her on
falling in love lead on girlfriend

2. She's falling in love

The next reason not to waste your “GIRLFRIENDS” time is that she’s starting to fall in love and you don’t feel the same. Now I’m not trying to say get rid of her, people fall in love at their own pace. If you feel there’s a chance it may grow into that then this is cool.

If you feel she moving too fast because you have alternative motives then you may want to let it go.

3. She is telling her friends about you

When people are excited about things they like they become a promoter of the object. In this case “YOU” are that object she’s bragging about to her friends so they can cause some issues. She may really like you but sometimes people go overboard like make saying things that you never said.

If she’s telling her friends then you may want to consider how far you want to take this with her. If you’re going to cut her off don’t be all day with it.

telling her friends about you
spending money on you lead on girlfriend

4. She's spending money on you

This is a big one. Unless she is a sugar mama most women don’t want to blow money on a guy she’s just “fucking around with”. More than likely she is starting you see you guys as one. You know that “your money is my money” type of talk.

If you are in the mindset that you aren’t willing to do the same for her then you need to pass her along. Given you are not broke.


5. Other dudes could do better for her

The next reason to cut your girlfriend off for good would be because other dudes could do her better. (I know this is some SIMP shit to say it’s the article’s title). Anyways, she could do better with some dudes just like holding on to chicks because they don’t want to see her happy. That’s kind of messed up and a haters type of move.

I you don’t care then stop wasting time with her and let someone else in line take a hit.

a bunch of men
heart broken  never lead your girlfriend on

6. She's not your type

If you’ve been seeing a girl for a while and you don’t feel like she’s your time then you may want to leave. Even if you don’t leave, the two of your situation needs to come to a close. Like I said in the article “you need a type”, stop wasting time with women who don’t seem up to standard. The same goes for a woman.

Just let her go. 

7. She's annoying

The final reason to get rid of your girlfriend would be that she is annoying. Why the hell are you even together if you find her presence annoying? Why hang out with annoying people period? You may be doing her a favor.

She could seem annoying because you really don’t like her. Unless you have a reason to keep her then toss her.

she's annoying


Stop wasting these women’s time, your time, and energy. You could be investing all of that into things more productive. However, unless they screwed you first then why screw with them at all? If they got you then why not get them back… it’s only fair right?

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