Save My Relationship


Did you say: save my relationship? Is it going downhill fast? I have proven methods that work and will save the relationship if you want it.

Save my relationship

On rocky terms...

Many of us have been down this path, It’s called the crossroads. What you’ll be thinking about is whether we should move on or try to save what we have, even therapy in some cases. But most of the time you’re not saving anything. In any case, just holding on out of “fear of being alone”. If “save my relationship” sounds like the thing to do for you then read more below.

The best ways to "save your relationship"

1. Hit the factory reset button

If you want to save your relationship the first thing you want to do is “hit the reset button”. What this means is to go back to day one. Whatever it was that you did to make her/him fall in love you’ll need to remember that and get to work!

While doing this you’ll need to have a sit down with them (without arguments) and let them know your intent. Make sure you get on board with the plan.

reset button
separation  relationship saving

2. Give them space

Even if you hit the reset button and they’re still acting up, you’ll need to give them space, so proceed to step 2. We as men are “usually” logic-driven and women are emotion-driven therefore we butt heads. You can’t chase a woman regardless of what women say because that’s logic talking (men shit). This will fail and she will bail.

Instead, to get your woman back you need to get her space to miss you. No, what I’m not saying is to go on a vacation. But instead, she needs a break from you to collect her thoughts and emotions. This is the type of therapy you both need, time apart. If you’re always around how can you be missed? The same goes for women.

3. Go out on fun dates

When you “pop back up”, you better have a good reason or it will only make things worse. Therefore, you need to be planning a fun or cool date. Please don’t take her to dinner and think you did your job because that just fucking lazy.

Be creative, you’ve been together for a while, right? You should know your woman by now. Surprise her by taking her out on a date, don’t tell her where but tell her the attire only. When you do this be careful. The reason I say this is because women aren’t forgetting any time soon and will want it again. Therefore, do things you wouldn’t mind doing again. Find something that will please you both because it’s not about fixing yourself it’s about fixing both of you.

Don’t do things or go to places that will bring back negative emotions. You need to disassociate yourself from those things.


To learn more go to my article:
Never lead your “GIRLFRIEND” on

fun dates relationship
more space relationship

4. Give her more space

After showing your woman a good time, it’s time to get back to reality… so give her space. If you did your job right on the date you should be getting back on the right path. This is not a one-and-done deal. You still have to put in work that will require a lifetime of effort. Unless you told yourself “I’m just with them until I get my life together then I’m gone” then this commitment is needed.

The reason you give her more space is so that she can future process her emotions and you can focus on important things once more.

5. Work on your "weak areas"

While you are giving your woman space you need to be working on yourself. You guys don’t need therapy if you’d already know what to do. You’ll need to document your weak areas. Do you yell a lot when upset (Beta shit)? Are you always trying to prove she’s wrong (Beta shit)? Do you find it hard to apologize? Do you get mad when she asks “do you love me a 1000 times a day (Beta shit)?

Either way, you need to know your role and work on fixing it, look at this like a Role-Playing Game… Someone the man, someone the woman. No need for therapy you can fix your relationship if you take the time to fix yourself first.

hole armor relationship
leader of the pack relationship save

6. Lead by example

Finally, after doing all the things above (which is a minified version of the real thing) you’ll need to lead by example. While chivalry is mostly dead, courting your woman isn’t. The two of you ARE together but the dominant one is the “Leader of the pack” so lead the pack! Like I said before women don’t want much control in a relationship it’s your job to show her the right way. 

I’m not saying talk down on her or “man-explain” like she can’t do shit on her own. This type of talk will have her needing therapy over time from dealing with your ignorance. What I’m saying is that when she says she’s hungry don’t ask her where would you like to go? FIGURE IT OUT! You gotta do it, either ignore her like she just talking and ask her what she’s gonna do about it or you do something about it and get back to doing you.

This is just a small example because it’s far more to it.

To learn more go to my article:
How to handle the most common things women ask

7. Hit the "REFRESH" button

Lastly, after doing all of the basic steps to keep your woman, it’s time to press the “refresh button”. The reason for the relationship “reset” was because all was fucked from before that point. It was meant for you to learn to be a different person. The “refresh button” is nothing more than you redoing the same process of creating space, tending to her emotions, and taking her out. There’s not much more to it. It sounds simple but there is a level of complexity to it based on your situation. 

refresh button save my relationship


Getting your woman back isn’t going to be a walk in the part. Hell, maybe you “BOTH” need to take “a walk in the park” either way the methods above is the minimum and enough to get you started. If you like to save $1000’s getting therapy then I recommend you learn and do better. If you like more help fill out leave a comment below and I’ll get back to you.

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