Are You a Beta Male?

beta male  arm wrestle

Most women dislike SIMP actions. Are you a Beta Male? Find out what it means and why Beta Males get a bad reputation amongst the ladies.

Are you a Beta Male

Alpha vs Beta, lets talk

In this world we live, in we mainly have two types of people, Alpha and Beta. Are you a Beta male and if so “whatchu gonna do brother”? Just kidding, the best way to describe the two is to think in the terms of leaders and followers. Everyone can’t be the leader, so you’ll need someone to do the grunt work for you.

Alpha’s = the “Leader of the pack”.
Beta’s  = “the followers of the leader”.

While some people think they are leaders, movers & shakers, top dogs, etc. they aren’t. If this article describes you… you’re a Beta male.

The Signs that you're a Beta

1. You're a "caveman"

As I mentioned in a previous article this is “classic nice guy shit”, and nice guys finish last. Read my article about “Being Too Nice” and see what that gets you.

Anyways if you’re a caveman you’ll be usually the one folding under pressure. This will happen at work and in the streets. In a relationship, you’ll be the one getting yelled at and saying stupid shit like “happy wife, happy life”.

What about happy you? 

beta male caveman
asking dumb question beta male

2. Asking women "what you want to do?"

Nothing wrong with asking your woman what you want to do but in ALOT of cases, they don’t want the power. You’ve signed up to be the man so be the man and make some decisions. Take her out on a date. Give her a surprise here and there. When she asks what the surprise is, don’t be a wuss and tell her.

Instead, take charge and let her know you got it covered!

3. People treat you like a little bitch

In case you don’t understand, to be treated as such means they have 0% respect for you. What’s the worst thing about being a little bitch is that many species can tell that you are. However, when you act like this people will disrespect your boundaries and keep doing it as well.

I’ve seen and heard from others while growing up a child telling his mother “Shut up mom”!. Honestly, I wanted to turn around and slap him for the lack of respect toward his mother. On the other hand, did she command respect at all? Probably not. Either way, beta males get bullied because they won’t stand up half the time… its just not them.


acting like a b beta male
being controlled

4. You can be controlled

When you display the signs of being a beta male you’re easier to control. As mentioned above, you’re the type that no one respects and expects coward-like behavior from. A lot of times for exhibiting this behavior you will be put in a compromising position and asked of you to do stuff you don’t want to and you’ll do it.

Beta males are “the whispers that aren’t ever heard”. or Mister Hold the door for 100 people when you only intended to let in only one.

5. They typically do "SIMP" stuff

Another example of being a beta male is “Doing Simp Shit”. A perfect example of simpery (know it isn’t a word) is putting pussy on a pedestal. Meaning you’d do and say anything to get laid. These are the guys who “message women” they have no real connections with on Facebook and Instagram saying “good morning beautiful”. Your message will rot in their inbox like a man in the grave. You’ll also go into the “friend zone” or you’ll tell your life story thru a text message and it makes you look boring. 

Please stop doing this.

simp son beta male
yelling beta male

6. Emotionally Volatile

Another trait that Beta males exhibit is emotional volatility. These men are fragile so handle them with care. They assume that acting like raging lunatics, will make them look more like a man. However but it is the opposite. When you wear your heart on your sleeve, you become unapproachable due to your sensitivity. I’m sure we know at least one man we have to watch our mouths around so they won’t embarrass us because of their bad tempers.

My advice: Stop letting the little thing bother you.

7. They're not competetive

Another thing that Beta lack is the competitive spirit. Not saying that this represent all Beta males but most of them are just comfortable in their zone. They talk about a lot of dreams but most actions aren’t carried out. If these types of Beta are in competition they will not say things like “OH YEAH???” they’ll say “You can just take it instead”. This type of Beta can get the job done because they have the skills but rather not compete.

non competitive

While a beta male isn’t the worst thing to be, it isn’t an attractive personality to possess when dating most women. If you’re a beta female this may work in your favor. The reason being is that most men want somewhat submissive women and not aggressors… unless he’s a cuck.

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