Being Too Prideful

man selfie

Being too prideful can hurt your relationship. Instead of just accepting ruining what you have let's look at 7 ways we can save it instead

Being Too Prideful

What Pride can do to a relationship

Being too prideful will cause strain in a relationship. Pride can cause you to become ultra stubborn and stuck in your ways. While dating or in the workplace, we argue. There’s no way around arguments. A prideful person would rather die than fold under pressure. Let’s learn why we need to overcome our prideful ways.

7 ways to stop being too prideful

1. Learn to apologize

As simple as it is to say “I’m sorry”, most people can’t seem to do it. Saying “I’m sorry” has to be sincere and from the heart. Saying I’m sorry and doing the same thing the next second will come off as if you do not mean what you are saying. 

After apologizing, the next step is self-reflecting and understanding where things went wrong. Once you’ve taken the time to figure out how it happened the next thing to do is have a solution to fix it faster if it reoccurs.

im sorry being too prideful
lets talk

2. Communicate often

Another way to overcome being too prideful is to learn to communicate with your partner. When we get upset a lot of us tend to tune out the other party. When this happens we cannot focus truly on what is causing us to be upset in the first place. The only thing we will assume would be we are right and they are wrong.

When we practice on telling eachother what is on our mind even during hard times, it can help with commnication. Talking about the things that are bothering us and looking for a peaceful solution is the best way to go.  A way to get your partner to open up is to encourage them to come to you regardless of their emotional state. Tell them “what’s on your mind? What’s bothering you?”. This will help them feel as if they can talk to you over time if you actually care.


3. Don't be overly competitive

There’s nothing wrong with a little competition with your partner but you cannot always be competing with each other. When we are being too prideful we can get into the “I, myself, and me” mindset and only want to see our own success. What about them?

This is something most of us are taught growing up “learning to let up off the other”. This means even if you are competitive don’t overdo it and let them have their moment every once in a while. Don’t be a jerk when you win and don’t be a sore loser.

pride in competition
pride and compromise

4. Learn to compromise

When you are being too prideful it will be difficult to get things done with others because of your stubbornness. People tend to avoid conflict and avoid giving true feelings to folks that don’t listen. Wouldn’t you like your partner to want to make a deal when you don’t agree, or would you like a “one-sided” relationship?

The simplest way to work with your partner when you disagree is to meet them halfway through the disagreement.

5. Admit your faults

If you are being too prideful during an argument you’ll have problems admitting your faults. When someone tells you about how you wronged them the first thing you’ll attempt to do I point the finger. This finger will be at the other party because you being a problem is unheard of inside your mind.

The best way to admit your faults is to take accountability and do some soul searching. Tell yourself “am I really doing what people are saying?”. If you are just own up to it. Over time admitting where you aren’t excelling will get easier.

pride perfection
prideful be humble

6. Be humble

When you are being too prideful it is a contradiction to being humble. When you are being humble you do not engage in being over the time and putting others beneath you. Pride will have you making your lover feel inferior, causing problems.

The best way to be humble is to treat everyone especially your loved one with kindness. Make them feel like you are on the same level. Don’t just walk with them, be by their side too.

7. Be happy for your partners success

It is hard to be happy about your partner’s success when you are full of pride. The only thing that will run through your mind is how you can one-up them and “steal the show”.  If your lover suspects all you want to do is push them down sooner or later they’ll keep success to themselves.

Instead of being a negative person full of pride, learn to celebrate when they are doing great. Tell them they’re doing great. Take them out to celebrate when all is good. Show them you care about their achievements.

good work prideful

You have to learn to not be so prideful. A little pride isn’t too harmful… just like water. Remember the old saying, that too much of a little thing can become a big thing over time.

Check out my other articles: Save my relationship

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